Non-Profit 501-(c) 3 Status
Non-Profit Grants Availible
Get 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status!
Take The First Step. Put Your 501c3 In A Place To Make A Difference For Years To Come. We Are Committed To Serving The Needs Of The Nonprofit Sector. Fast Response.
New policy trends · Board Governance · Employee Relations & HR
Targeted Assistance
to Small Businesses & Underserved Individuals
"Eligible entities" are broadly defined as businesses where "the public or patrons assemble for the primary purpose of being served food or drink" and include:
Food stands and food trucks
Saloons, inns, taverns, bars, lounges, brewpubs, tasting rooms, and taprooms
Licensed facilities or premises of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste a sample or purchase products.
Stimulus Geeks has the knowledge and expertise to assist organizations in all matters related to CARES Act funding. Call us today for answers to any questions you may have
Non-Profit Grants Availible
Get 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status!
Take The First Step. Put Your 501c3 In A Place To Make A Difference For Years To Come. We Are Committed To Serving The Needs Of The Nonprofit Sector. Fast Response.
New policy trends · Board Governance · Employee Relations & HR